Concepts and notation
- authority : the source system that makes the decision on whether the address is supported. The use of a delivererMask may affect which authority processes the customer address.
- uuid : a unique identifier returned by the service when a batch of customer addresses are submitted for processing. Is used later in a subsequent request to inform the service which batch is targeted.
- expiry : the results of a processed batch will expire a certain time after the request has been completed. The status of the batch is reported in the service response.
- proxy timeout : describes when the service will cancel outstanding requests to other authorities / source systems. All associated customer addresses will be marked as not supported., and the auhority will be set to NOT_PROCESSED
- delivererMask : a mechanism to tell the service that an address should be marked as unsupported, or to specify a set of distribution companies that qualify (all others are then disqualified and will not be considered).
- expiry time : 15 minutes after the request has been processed.  (TODO: Agree on / discuss this one)
- job timeout : 90 minutes (TODO: Agree on / discuss this one)30 minutes
- maximum customer addresses per request : 10'000