Name | Type | Example | Max Length | Mandatory | Description |
trackingReference | string | (00)370724760010119754 | 35 | Tracking reference for the item, typically a SSCC gs1 code. | |
eventTime | string | 2020-01-31T00:01:00.000+01:00 | n/a | Time of the event registered in originating system. Datetime format ISO-8601 : yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm | |
lat | double | 59.911096 | 9 |
| Latitude for the location of the event |
lon | double | 10.752457 | 9 |
| Longitude for the location of the event |
locationContext | string | Oslo | 255 |
| Address or description of the location/ context of the event. This is typically show to the consumer directly so we recommend sharing a general location, e.g. postal name. |
locationContextId | string | 34567 | 10 |
| Unique identification of the locationContext |
eventType | string | 001 | n/a | Identifier for what has happened to the parcel, see list of possible event IDs here (Same IDs as the list of possible events returned in the Event log API and push service). | |
additionalInfo | string | 001 | n/a | Identifier for additional info on what happened, see list of possible additional info IDs here (Same IDs as the list of possible events returned in the Event log API and push service). | |
comChannelType | string | SMS | n/a |
| Communication channel only used for event types within event group "communication". ComChannelTypes in use:
message | string | 255 |
| Optional message from the system registering the event |