Table of Contents |
The Flow bulk order solution is intended to provide an easy way to see with which transport-products a batch of deliveries can be sent with and book delivery. The steps are as follows:
Upload a file in the format explained below
Click on "process file"to
We will email you the file back, with the addition of a new column "RESULT" containing the transport-product, or possibly an error message. Specify the email-address in step 1. At this point the orders are in a "stand-by status".
Based on the results, you now have two options: You can either approve the file, meaning that the orders will be finalized, or you can cancel the file.
If you decide to approve the orders, you will receive an email with labels when the orders are processed.
General notes about the format
We support both Excel- and CSV-files.
Encoding: The files are assumed to be encoded as ISO-8859-1.
The order of the columns is not important.
The header-line (with the column names) is essential. Each column MUST have our documented names (i.e. EXTERNAL_ORDER_ID or CONSIGNEE_NAME).Â
We give an error if there are any unknown column names in the file. The file should therefore not have any other column names than those documented here.Â
For CSV, the field separator is semi colon (;).
The columns can be quoted, if so, use ("").
We support files up to 50 000 orders
It may take some time for the files to be processed and generate labels.Â
Contact your carrier provider with questions to the format, errors while uploading or use of different fields.Â
Filename must be different for each file
Format definition
The Flow Selfservice system application makes use of Parcel Booking API, so please refer to the documentation for more information on possible error-codes.
Name | Mandatory | Description | Max length | Type | Example |
EXTERNAL_ORDER_ID | External order ID | 12 | String | A345 | |
CONSIGNEE_EXT_ID | Customer ID | n/a | Integer | 78899 | |
| Name of customer | 105 | String | Ola Nordmann |
| Country code, according to ISO 3166-1. | 3 | String | NO | |
CONSIGNEE_ADDRESS | Combined address information with the following format:
| 105 | String | Storgaten 11A H0202 | |
CONSIGNEE_CO | "Care Of"-address. Adding "c/o" (or similar) is not necessary. | ||||
| Also known as postal code. | 9 | String | 0155 |
| Also known as city. | 35 | String | OSLO | |
CONSIGNEE_PHONE_1 | This can be used for automated SMS notification. | 100 | String | +47 402 10 000 | |
CONSIGNEE_PHONE_2 | This can be used for automated SMS notification. | 100 | String | +47 402 20 000 | |
CONSIGNEE_EMAIL | This can be used for automated email notification. | 100 | String | | |
CONSIGNEE_REFERENCE | This can be an orderId or some other reference. Consignee reference can be placed on some shipping labels. | 35 | String | 012345 | |
| Name of customer | |||
| Country code, according to ISO 3166-1. | ||||
CONSIGNOR_ADDRESS | Combined address information with the following format:
| ||||
CONSIGNOR_CO | "Care Of"-address. Adding "c/o" (or similar) is not necessary. | ||||
| Also known as postal code. | |||
| Also known as city. | ||||
CONSIGNOR_PHONE_1 | This can be used for automated SMS notification. | ||||
CONSIGNOR_PHONE_2 | This can be used for automated SMS notification. | ||||
CONSIGNOR_EMAIL | This can be used for automated email notification. | ||||
CONSIGNOR_REFERENCE | This can be an orderId or some other reference. Consignor reference can be placed on some shipping labels. | 35 | String | 012345 | |
WEIGHT | Measuring unit is gram. | n/a | Whole number | 600 | |
VOLUME | Measuring unit is cubic decimeter. | n/a | Decimal number | 4 | |
LENGTH | Measuring unit is centimeter. | n/a | Decimal number | 120 | |
HEIGHT | Measuring unit is centimeter. | n/a | Decimal number | 5 | |
WIDTH | Measuring unit is centimeter. | n/a | Decimal number | 12 | |
CONTENT | Description of the contents. This can be placed on some shipping labels. | 70 | String | Brown shirt | |
CONTENT_VALUE | Currency is according to the location of the shopId. | n/a | Decimal number | 580 | |
GENERIC_1 | A piece of generic information that will be retained through the process and given back in the resulting file. | Text | |||
GENERIC_2 | A piece of generic information that will be retained through the process and given back in the resulting file. | Text | |||
GENERIC_3 | A piece of generic information that will be retained through the process and given back in the resulting file. | Text | |||
GENERIC_4 | A piece of generic information that will be retained through the process and given back in the resulting file. | Text | |||
GENERIC_5 | A piece of generic information that will be retained through the process and given back in the resulting file. | Text | |||
Code of the additional service | 3 | String | ASB | ||
Value of the additional service | 10 | String | HHWMS | |
Number of the article ( Must be ; separated. See the example ) |
( Mandatory if additional service is used ) | 35 | String | 9055568;9055569;9055570 |
Name of the article ( Must be ; separated. See the example ) |
( Mandatory if additional service is used ) | 100 | String | DataSIM1;DataSIM2;DataSIM3 |
Quantity of the article ( Must be ; separated. See the example ) |
( Mandatory if additional service is used ) | 3 | String | 10;25;15 |
Date format yyyyMMdd. Optional field for desired delivery date of the shipment. |
ℹ  If specified for return solutions this day represents the date where the carrier should pickup the package and should be earliest tomorrow. Normally the consignor / sender will be instructed to lay out the package the day before pickup. | 8 | String | 20180804 |
If not specified as a part of the request this will be generated and returned in the response. This should be a globally unique identifier. Typically named MessageNumber, DocumentNumber or ConsignorsReference in EDI. | 35 | String | (401)70712190172720651 | ||
If not specified as a part of the request this will be generated and returned in the response. This can be a SSCC code according to gs1, or a UPU S10 identifier. Typically named TransporterInstructionMark in EDI. |
ℹ For return solutions this field should never be set by the callee. Tracking |
reference for return packages is generated by DI and returned in the response. | 35 | String | (00)370724760010119754 |